Meet the leader of the pack - Kevin Jyrwa is a fearless hustler who knows what it takes to thrive. He is the one who always makes sure that the members of the team are on the right track and, yes, on time! Apart from business, he is a person who gathers the knowledge of almost everything under the sun. He is an ardent believer of the fact that learning has no endings and envisions to put Eri silk on a global pedestal.
A young person who creates good relationships with our women artisans and nurtures them with all his might. Amusing, smart, sociable, and witty remarks are his biggest strength. He is a great networker connecting different villages in Meghalaya to bring you our unique Eri silk products and helps with customer support.

An intriguing girl who loves exploring nature, super artistic, and loves coffee. She is a crafty person and handles all our social media channels and customer support.
An enthusiastic young person who oversees all things creative – visually! He creates videos and captures stories for Muezart. He is the most humble and kind-hearted person in the group and is ever ready to help in any situation. Being a football fan of Tottenham, Peter is also a very passionate beatboxer who loves entertaining people

A very passionate guitarist and has a youtube channel of his own. He is the analytics guy of the team and is fast in solving problems. Very sincere and disciplined, he pays attention to small details, especially when it comes to numbers. He makes sure our website is well maintained and serves our customers through the backend.
A strong, independent mother of two and a great cook. She is the mother goose of the team and always has great advice. She is the person who looks after the packaging and fulfillment of orders. She manages all the inventory at Muezart so that customers get what they want.

A patient, calm and quiet person, Baphi always makes sure that all our orders are responded to and delivered on time. She is also a passionate singer and a total foodie! She is an excellent listener and comes up with solutions for customer’s problems. And she assures that our customers receive excellent service.
A courageous young person who loves writing and public speaking. She is a multi-lingual person who creates blog content, social media content and helps with customer support.

A crazy fan of Korean dramas, and she is a passionate young knitter and crafter. Sasa has been knitting and crocheting since the age of 7. She is the person who designs and creates knitting & crocheting patterns and Tapestry weaving items.